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About Management Consulting

An exceptional talent for cutting swiftly and accurately to the root of governance failures has led director Michael (Mike) Barwise to be described as the ‘Harvey-Jones’ of corporate information risk. Drawing on two decades as an innovator both in systems and process design for business, he is well equipped to address the entire spectrum of information risk. Since 1998 his consultancies have served clients on all scales from multinational to SMB, putting in place and remediating the standards, frameworks and processes that are essential to robust corporate information risk and compliance management.

Mike has contributed to UK and international cyber security policy and law, created and delivered information risk practitioner training to Masters level, and presented and published widely on information risk management and the psychology of decision-making. He is a Chartered Engineer and a professional member of both the British Computer Society and the Chartered Institute of Information Security, a member of the ISO27000 standard series UK expert panel and a recognised expert in robust risk assessment.

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